The Regeneration of Hanover and Princess Court

Cambridge Investment Partnership is pleased to launch a consultation on plans for the new Hanover and Princess Court

Cambridge City Council is working with Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) to regenerate the no longer fit for purpose Hanover and Princess Court Estate.
In November 2021, the Council started a conversation with residents on the future of Hanover and Princess Court. Following approval from the Housing Scrutiny Committee, we shared an update with local residents via a community consultation in August 2022, where we asked local residents for their feedback on the options presented. We are pleased to present our plans for the Estate’s regeneration and learn your thoughts on the proposals so far.
Our proposals for the new Hanover and Princess Court will include more homes than at present, larger affordable homes and for the first time on the Estate, wheelchair accessible homes. In addition to new housing and open spaces the plans will include a multi-use community room for residents and local people to enjoy.
Our public consultation will run until Monday 18th November. You can learn more about the new Hanover and Princess Court and let us know your thoughts on the plans below.

Site and planning history

Hanover and Princess Court is a Cambridge City Council owned housing estate built in the 1960s.
The existing buildings are currently in poor condition, with homes that are too small, overheating and unable to meet fire safety standards. Following consultation with the local community and residents in 2022, Cambridge City Council took the decision to completely regenerate the Estate.
The Estate at present is formed by two residential blocks joined by a garage which forms a U-shaped block. In total there are 127 homes the existing Estate. Our proposals aim to provide more homes, more open space and a smaller building footprint in an Estate that is fit for purpose now and into the future.

Our proposals

Larger affordable homes

Increased number of high quality homes

Including new accessible homes

Reprovided community room

New energy efficient buildings

Outdoor spaces for play and relaxation

Larger energy efficient homes

We aim to provide larger energy efficient homes which reduce financial costs for residents and improve sustainability. The new homes will come in a range of tenures in the new Hanover and Princess Court including family homes. The new homes will feature improved fire safety standards, be gas free and well insulated to achieve energy usage savings.

Increased and accessible living space

The current Hanover and Princess Court has no homes with wheelchair access. The regeneration of the Estate will deliver purpose-built homes for people in the community with accessibility needs for the first time.

Community Room

As part of our proposals, we will be reproviding the community room which can be used for various social activities to help support a thriving local community. The room will have space inside for events and a garden courtyard which can be used as a gathering area.

Fully usable courtyard space

The new Hanover and Princess Court will provide a fully usable courtyard space which can be used all year round. Our new enhanced open spaces will also feature designs influenced by our YES workshops. The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service’s Youth Engagement Service workshops bring together local school children to produce their own designs for street furniture such as benches. You’ll be able to see these designs in the new Hanover and Princess Court.

Existing trees on site

In order to deliver new homes in the regeneration of the Hanover and Princess Estate the existing buildings will need to be demolished. The process of removing the existing buildings on site means that the three existing pine trees in the middle of the site will need to be removed. All mature trees on the East and West of the existing site will remain unchanged by the regeneration of the Estate. The central area of the new Estate will become a green and open area for residents to enjoy all year around.

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